
This Thanksgiving season, I wanted to take the opportunity to just give thanks. Here goes!

I’m grateful for… the faces of flowers as they follow the sun… the thunder that rolls when it rains… the mountains that shadow my home here in Provo… and the fields near my home on the plains… the cool breeze that blows when I wake before sunrise… the night-time, with stars up above… for the earth and its splendor I give thanks to Thee… for in them I remember Thy love.

I’m grateful for… the power to dance and to walk and to run… eyes, to see and behold… a musical voice that won’t shatter a mirror… and a passion for learning that will never grow cold… a mind that can grasp even quarks in an instant… the duty to work and to write… for my body, my gifts and my talents and strengths… for in them I am blessed by Thy light.

I’m grateful for… my laptop that follows me even in sleepwalk… my car which conducts me each day… a home with a bed and a high-speed connection… and a health food store not far away… the privilege of building a School up in Zion… my application to attend MIT… I am grateful for earthly possessions and pathways… for in walking I come unto Thee.

I’m grateful for… the sorrow we taste at a loved one's departure… the anguish I feel when I fail… the bruises and scars that remind me of heartache… and the sadness that often will seem to prevail… the cold I’ve been fighting since last Wednesday evening… our world filled with sadness and strife… I give thanks for my trials and sickness and pain… for they bring me to Thee throughout life.

I’m grateful for… a boy who, not 15, was chosen by Heaven… the Gospel he then brought to light… the knowledge that I can return to God’s presence… and the faith to shine as a star in the night… the power to bless in the name of the Savior… a family sealed for time without end… for the truth now revealed I give praises to Thee… for through them I can grow and transcend.

I’m grateful for… a mother who gave up Olympics and rockets… a father whose love knows no end… my brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, and cousins… those who are willing to love me and call me a friend… my colleagues and roommates and classmates and mentors… the people who lift me above… for my loved ones in life I give thanks unto Thee… for in Them I remember Thy love.

When the time rolls around that I think of Thanksgiving… and all that’s been given to me… for my blessings and trials, my family and friends, I give thanks, dearest Lord, unto Thee.

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